Small Love Gestures that Keep a Relationship Going Strong.
You may have seen the catchphrase, “It’s the small moments that make life big,” plastered in a sentimental scrapbook or posted beside a baby photo on social media.
But have you ever taken the time to think carefully about the truth behind this statement?
We often work, labor, and stress to achieve great moments: a vacation, a college degree, or a great milestone.
But we don’t take the time to realize that each everyday experience with our friends, spouses, and children are the stuff of life.
The love dare is a 40-day challenge for husbands and wives to understand and practice unconditional love.
It’s the small love gestures that keep any relationship going good.
Show you care by asking about their day. You can ask as soon as they get home or over dinner.
Do a simple online search for conversation starters for couples, then bring those questions into your daily life.
Here’s a link to 100 questions that every couple needs in their relationship – the questions were specifically designed to build trust, openness, and eventually feelings of deep intimacy.
Don’t just rotate in the same ruts that you’ve always used.
Try to bring in new topics of conversation and learn something new about your spouse every day.
Asking your partner about their day is a small love gesture that shows that you care.
#4. Surprise Your Partner With gifts As a Love Gesture
Listen to your spouse’s conversation and try to tune into the small nuances that provide clues to the things they like and dislike.
Then surprise them with gifts “just because.” It will bring a smile to your spouse’s face.
Meaningful gift ideas include flowers, gourmet chocolates, special cookies, perfumes/colognes, or anything that can make their day special.
Essential oils – EO, is not a woman’s only thing anymore.
Reach out and make the first move. Show your spouse you care and want to connect.
#7. Create Daily Rituals In Your Relationship
Every relationship should have rhythms and patterns of connection.
These patterns lend stability to relationships.
Check-in every morning over coffee. Hold hands and pray. Call each other at lunchtime and check-in.
Take time each week to go over that week’s schedule and pray together over your week.
Doing your rituals on a regular, recurring basis will help you and your spouse feel safe.
Becky Bailey calls these rituals of connection, “I Love You Rituals.”
She says that “I Love You Rituals” contains four ingredients: playfulness, simple touch, presence, and gentle eye contact.
While most of her I Love You Rituals are geared for adults connecting with children, partners can incorporate the same principles into their interactions with one another.
Are you truly present with your spouse during that quick kiss? Do you touch them gently, look fondly into their eyes, and express playfulness and joy?
It’s these little things that matter.
#8. Respond To Your Spouse’s “Bids.”
Dr. Steve Call says that couples are constantly sending out “bids” for attention.
“Dating for the Socially Awkward: Overcome social anxiety and gain the confidence to get the girl you desire” by Jouhzu, is a total self-improvement journey.
The thought of being with your crush brings you feelings of excitement, yet the idea of initiating things with them brings feelings of discomfort and dread.
You’ve had opportunity after opportunity to approach your dream girl and ask her out, but each time you find yourself stumbling over your words, unable to truly articulate your attraction to her.
•If you lack self-confidence out of fear, then this will keep you believing in yourself and help you in attracting a great partner.
Asking a girl out is a challenge for many men. The fear and anxiety of rejection is enough to make a man do without a woman he really cares for.
There’s no foolproof guide on how to ask the girl of your dreams on a date.
You have to try different approaches.
We are all blessed with a unique combination of qualities, preferences, and social styles; there simply can’t be one perfect way of approaching someone.
This post is not meant to be a rule book, but rather a collection of tips you can use to better yourself and your mindset when approaching the woman of your heart.
Let’s dive into some of the tips you can utilize to approach your dream girl and probably land a date.
#1. Know Your value
The first tip on how to approach your dream girl is to know yourself and your value.
One thing a man must strive to have before they approach anything in life is a sense of self-worth.
In order to confidently approach a woman, you must know you have something valuable to bring to the table.
You may not have all the money in the world or may not be the most popular guy in the room, but these are not things that make a person, and limit a person to external validation.
The only person’s validation you require is God’s and your own.
You are more than money or status, you are filled with kindness, valor, and intelligence, and much more!
When you understand you possess a combination of unique God-given qualities, you realize you are more than enough for your dream girl.
When you become secure in the fact that you have so much to offer, the thought of initiating a date with the woman of your dreams seems less daunting.
Women appreciate a man that is sure of himself and his God-given strengths-it’s an indication of the great partner he’ll be.
An additional word of advice though, there is a thin line between arrogance and confidence.
Being sure of yourself does not mean you should forget about the importance of being humble.
Humility and Confidence work hand in hand.
#2. Be Observant
Most people, whether it’s a man or a woman, appreciate when they feel someone took the time to notice little things about them.
Being observant to detail is another tip on how to approach your dream girl.
Whether you take note of how she takes her coffee in the morning, her favorite past time, or the genre of music she loves to listen to, using the knowledge you gain can go a long way.
A woman is most likely not going to be impressed solely by your attraction for her.
Instead, she’ll appreciate the fact that you delved beyond that attraction and endeavored to get to know her as a person.
Strike up a conversation about her favorite song or ask a question about the book she’s reading.
This is an almost sure way of communicating your interest in her without focusing solely on physical attraction.
Paying attention to details can also serve as a great way to get ideas for that date you want to ask her on.
Imagine that after careful observation, you notice your crush loves art.
Asking her out to an art museum or a painting class would be met with much more interest and enthusiasm than if you blindly suggested something else.
#3. Form a Friendship
Forming a solid friendship is another tip on how to approach your dream girl.
I know, I know. You probably rolled your eyes when you read that.
Why would you set yourself up for the awful, dreaded, friend zone? However, the key to a successful relationship is a strong friendship.
• Oprah Love Expert Reveals the Secrets For You To Have the Relationship of Your Dreams.
Earlier, we discussed how being observant could help put you in the position to ask your dream girl on a date.
Some aspects of a person, though, can’t be inferred from observation so much as it can from the regular conversation.
By forming a friendship with your potential date, you stand the chance of really getting to know her.
And by getting to know her, you increase your chances of landing a date.
There’re even more advantages to forming a friendship with your crush: A friendship tears down walls and creates comfort.
Remember when you first met your ideal woman and how hard it was to form complete sentences around her?
Maybe with time, it got a little easier to say a few words, although the thought of asking her on a date still makes you anxious.
With time and continued proximity, you got a little more comfortable.
Imagine if you two formed a friendship. That type of bond would definitely make you feel more comfortable around her and allow you to be yourself.
When we approach each other in a climate of friendship, we do not have the pressure to be accepted or rejected.
•She gets to learn more about you.
Friendship is not only an opportunity for you to learn more about your dream partner, but also an avenue for her to get to know you.
Perhaps you have common interests or admirable strengths.
Perhaps you have quirks or mannerisms that she could find adorable.
A friendship is an opportunity to present who you are without the added pressure to perform. It’s an organic, healthy way of allowing all aspects of you to shine.
•You get to see if there is actual compatibility.
For the longest, you’ve admired your crush from afar.
You’ve observed some things, had a few conversations here and there, but every interaction has been only on the surface.
You don’t know enough about her to gauge whether you’re genuinely a match.
While dating is a way to gauge if there is an affinity for one another, a friendship does the same, but with an added benefit- there is no pressure.
When you decide to pursue a genuine friendship, you don’t have to worry about performing or making grand gestures that may not be organic.
#4. Show Her The Respect She Deserves
Romans 12:10 says to “Love one another with brotherly affection.”
It is essential to treat all of our fellow humans with respect, and this extends to your dream girl or woman you want in your life as well.
In a world full of patriarchy and misogyny, women don’t always get the respect they deserve.
Unfortunately, some women end up with dates and partners who also won’t extend that respect.
The number one way to turn a woman off is to show clear disrespect for her and her boundaries.
Without love, the woman reacts without respect, and without respect, the man reacts without love. This initiates a painful and negative cycle in any relationship.
Dr. Emerson Eggerichs’ book on love and respect is a great resource for anyone interested in a long-lasting relationship.
While this can get you the date, you’ve wanted, it can have disastrous results as well.
In his book “No Excuses,” Dr. Tony Evans “urges men to stop looking at their circumstances as excuses and instead to see them as challenges and opportunities for success.”
Be a man of honesty and integrity, and you will attract the woman of your dreams!
#6. Invite Her To Church
One way to get a good woman to gravitate towards you is to include her in personal activities that don’t have an air of expectation.
One great way to form a friendship and easing communication between you and your crush is to invite them to church with you.
It can be something more intimate such as a bible study, or it could be a mid-week or a Sunday service.
Maybe you could connect over your mutual love for similar worship styles.
Or perhaps the pastor’s topic of the day could strike up a deep conversation.
Most importantly, inviting her to something personal and intimate like a church is an excellent way of communicating how important she is to you.
You wouldn’t invite just anyone to church with you, to be amongst you and the people you fellowship with.
This is a great segue to asking her out because when you do, she’ll know it’s not just a superficial date you’re asking for; you really want to connect with her on a deeper level.
#7. Communicate Clearly
Always work on being the best communicator you can.
When you do get around to asking your dream girl on a date, it will take clear communication so she can have a good idea of what your intentions are.
Good communication is one of the things that keeps a relationship intact.
Whether you strike up an initial friendship or simply ask her out, good communication is key.
Sometimes, being an excellent communicator is hard for people because of the amount of vulnerability it entails.
Most people have a fear of opening up themselves to rejection or being the subject of negative judgment, so they tend to avoid directly communicating their wants, feelings, or thoughts to protect themselves.
Unfortunately, there is no set way of avoiding rejection or negative judgment.
When you open yourself up to someone, you’re taking a risk. However, the potential gains from clear communication greatly outweigh the potential losses.
Communicating clearly ties back to your security in who you are as a person.
When you are confident in who you are and know your value, it’s easier to put yourself in a vulnerable position.
Regardless of the outcome, you know that you are a man of valor, and any woman would be lucky to go on a date with you.
If they accept it, excellent. If they don’t, it’s their loss.
A good woman will have a deep appreciation for a man who is willing to go out on a limb to communicate his intent and feelings.
Don’t hesitate to communicate clearly. Be true to yourself and to what you feel in your heart.
#8. Just Do it- Ask her out!
Your dream girl could end up being your soulmate.
She could end up being the partner that God created for you.