Marriage Newlyweds Relationships

Best Christian Marriage Advice for Newly Weds: 31 + Tips

Marriage Advice Every Newly Married Couple Must Know.

Christian Couples with 31+ years of Happy, Healthy, Successful experience share 31 Lessons learned in Marriage.

Let’s explore some of their best Christian marriage advice for newlyweds!

Best Marriage advice for Newly weds

Through the happy days of romance, love warms you, fills you, and lifts you to new heights.

     Congratulations on your new wedding!

Marriage mirrors God’s relationship with His people.

Successful marriages require way more than physical attraction, love, and common interests.

Like the torch in a hot air balloon, romantic love gives you the thrill of seeing your loved one from 10,000 feet as your love soars.

Once the marriage begins, however, the rubber meets the road.

        The hot air balloon lands. Reality sets in.

The daily walk together, on the ground, is about to begin.

Here are 31 must know practical, Christian marriage advice for newlyweds that will help you through the new, daily journey that you are beginning with your spouse.  

Use this proven best biblical marriage advice for newlyweds to build a strong foundation for your relationship.

 Marriage God’s Way is a Biblical Recipe for Healthy, Joyful, Christ-Centered Relationships.

You Absolutely Must Know About Your Relationship – Test Your Compatibility And Grow Deeper In Love. 

1. Learn About Each Other

learn about each other - 31 best ways

The first marriage advice for newlyweds is to make genuine efforts to learn all you can about each other.

Now that the soaring thrill ride of engaged love has “landed,” it’s time to get down to earth and get to know your spouse.

As you walk with them on the ground from up close, take time to learn the fine-tuned details of who your spouse is.

Here’s a link to Communication Miracles for Couples: Easy and Effective Tools to Create More Love and Less Conflict.

Find out your spouse’s likes and dislikes, favorite foods, daily habits, childhood stories, and special quirks.

You are now a team so you need to learn and know all you can about your spouse to build a strong marriage foundation.

Tell each other stories from your growing up years or college days.

Try to learn something new daily. This helps set a firm foundation.

Make a commitment to understanding much stuff about your spouse well.

It is vital in your relationship that you and your loved one discover your love languages early.

You may also like The 5 Love Languages: The Secret to Love That Lasts.

“Many conflicts would be effectively avoided if you do your best to get to learn about each other,” is one marriage advice for newlyweds from a lady married for 32 years.

Build on the special bond between two of you and strive to be each others BFF.

You may also like Small love gestures that keep a relationship going strong.

2. Get To Know Each Other’s Personalities

know each others personalities

Adjusting to living with each other initially may be difficult.

It is necessary and essential to patiently understand your spouse to avoid even the smallest conflicts that could erupt into bigger ones.

An excellent tool for learning about your spouse is taking a personality test.

A personality test is aimed at improving interpersonal relationships, and promoting positive attitudes towards people who are different, in the areas of understanding, appreciation and respect.

Tests like DISC, Enneagram personality test assessments, 16 Personalities tests, Nanaya, the 5 love languages, or the Gothman Institute’s Relationship Quiz are some tests you can try.

They can help you get started in discovering new realities about your spouse.

What activities energize your spouse? It’s better to know for real than to guess.

You may also like the 50 secrets of a blissful relationship.

Dr. Gottman, the country’s foremost relationship expert, talks about nurturing fondness and admiration in the seven principles that guide couples on the path toward a harmonious and long-lasting relationship.

Here’s a link to Dr. John Gottman’s The Seven Principles for Making Marriage Work: A Practical Guide.” 

What stresses him or her? How does he respond in conflicts, and what are her needs?

Personality tests can help you and your spouse find out a lot about each other.

It opens up the line of communication so that you can be able to talk about everything and anything.

You may also like the 4 seasons of marriage: secrets to a lasting marriage.

3. Don’t Make Assumptions

don't make assumptions

On marriage advice for newlyweds, Vera married for 32 years stated; “Making assumptions can RUIN even the best relationship.”

This is a guide for that crucial first year.

It’s the Newlywed’s Instruction Manual that provides essential information, troubleshooting tips, and advice for the First Year of Marriage.

Our knee-jerk reaction is to assume that other people have the same motives, desires, reactions, and reasons for doing things as we have.

Personality tests can help you understand situations from your spouse’s point of view.

They give you insights into his or her real thought patterns and motivations.

This will help you avoid making assumptions about your spouse.

Instead of making assumptions in any situation, always get a clarification on any unclear conversation, spoken and unspoken words, and doubts.

By all means, please don’t be a mind reader!

You may also like how do I make my relationship stay strong – 16 tips

4. Talk About Household Chores

Try not to make assumptions in the area of chores.

In your family of origin, Dad may have more hands-on, washed the dishes, cooked meals, and taken out the trash.

In your spouse’s family, they may have had a protective wife who wouldn’t allow her husband in the kitchen.

Some families assume men will mow the lawn; others assume the woman will.

What about cleanliness? To some, it’s important to scrub until every speck of dirt is gone.

Other families are comfortable with casual and occasional cleaning.

Here’s a link to help make these tasks easy to complete; home cleaning ideas.

Make sure you bring these topics out into the open as soon as possible in the relationship and have a plan in these areas.

Adjusting and willing to compromise here and there will help reduce a lot of fighting in making sure household chores are completed; marriage advice for newlyweds from Liz married close to 32 years.

5. Learn About Perpetual Conflicts

The topic of chores is an area that the Gottman Institute would label as a solvable conflict.

If you discuss this issue with clarity and compassion and come to a mutual compromise, the topic can be easily solved.

But The Gottman Institute provides food for thought when it says that some types of conflicts are not solvable.

While solvable conflicts are simple logistical challenges or differences of opinion that can be fixed by discussing them,

unsolvable problems are clashes between personalities or values that will come up over and over and will never truly go away except with divine intervention.

Gottman suggests approaching these issue’s topics with continuing dialogue.

He recommends “humor, affection, and even amusement, to actively cope with the unresolvable problem, rather than allowing it to fall into the condition of gridlock.”

Read full article here

Being honest about unsolvable problems can help you not to waste time and energy worrying about things that cannot be changed.

This link has a good resource on managing conflicts –Marriage Conflict: Talking as Teammates (31-Day Devotionals for Life).

7. Confront Feelings of Shame

In a new marriage, many newlyweds battle feelings of insecurity.

Inadequacy lurks around every corner.

Am I good enough for my spouse?

Am I pretty enough, funny enough, adventuresome enough?

We wonder if we have what it takes to make our spouse happy for the rest of our lives.

All these questions boil down to one thing: Shame.

The Bible reminds us that we are “fearfully and wonderfully made.”

It is important to learn about shame and uncover sources of shame in your childhood.

It is equally important to celebrate that no one is perfect except God.

Otherwise, shame will put up its hurtful and damaging defense mechanism: Contempt.

7. Develop A “No Contempt” Policy In Marriage

Contempt is a common smokescreen that shields us against the painful feeling of shame.

Lashing out disdainfully at others’ quirks is a common way to alleviate the nagging discomfort of shame.

When two people live under one roof for the first time, they discover surprising things about one another that they never knew before piece by piece.

Some of those things may be good, and some of them may not be so good and peaceful.

Make a point to never respond to your spouse’s quirks with disrespect, contempt, or scorn.

You may also like best reasons why we should always pray.

Dr. Dan Allender, a prominent Christian therapist says that couples must have “a loyal commitment to a zero-contempt relationship. No matter the issue, no matter its importance, contempt must be viewed as dangerous as lighting a match to look into a gas tank.

8. Be Proactive About Conflicts

Dr. Allender goes on, “Contempt arises like smoke from the fire of shame.”

Shame is the fire and contempt is the smoke, and you will need to develop a “smoke detector” in your marriage.

Meet proactively at least once a week to discuss issues, hurts, sins, conflicts, and things that have been unsaid that need to be addressed.

Make sure these issues are detected early, while they are still small and healthy.

Try to uncover feelings of inadequacy before they explode into an incendiary.

James 5:16 – Confess [your] faults one to another, and pray one for another, that ye may be healed.

According to author Gary Thomas, in “Sacred Marriage” “We have to stop asking of marriage what God never designed it to give — perfect happiness, conflict-free living, and idolatrous obsession.”

Instead, he invites us to see how God can use marriage as a discipline and a motivation to love God more and reflect more on the character of His Son, together as a couple.

9. Trust And Respect Each Other Including Each Other’s Space

“A marriage without trust is like a car without gas, you can stay in it as long as you want, but it won’t go anywhere.” -Unknown

No relationship can thrive without trust and respect.

Couples should feel safe with each other.

You may also like this great resource; Love & Respect: The Love She Most Desires; The Respect He Desperately Needs.

Your spouse should be confident that they are with someone they can completely trust and confide their feelings, thoughts, worries, and concerns to.

Married couples are one flesh and joined together in Christ for life, therefore they should understand what respecting boundaries is early in the relationship.

Yet at the same time, they are also individually created children of God.

Your spouse may need time to be alone with God or just to reflect, decompress, or relax.

Allow your spouse some space and don’t seek to manipulate or demand every minute of his or her time.

Philippians 2:3-4 reminds us, “In humility consider others more important than yourselves. Each of you should look at not only your own interests, but also at the interests of others.”

The bible says we are to “Do unto others as you want them to do unto you.”

In other words, this means that you treat your spouse in the same way you would want to be treated.

Respectable boundaries in your marriage, foster trust and belief.

Love and respect are the foundations of relationships.

“Respecting your spouse includes not saying bad things or discussing them with other people, friends, family, co-workers, and others” – another marriage advice for newlyweds from Laura – married for 34 years.

10. Don’t Let Marriage Become An Idol

The thrill and closeness that marriage can bring are meant to be a breathtaking picture of our special relationship with Christ.

At the same time, we can’t begin to assume that marriage itself is our relationship with Christ or that our spouse is our god or ultimate focus.

“Our spouse is not our ultimate place of fulfillment,” stated another lady with 40 years marriage experience on biblical advice for newly weds.

Dietrich Bonhoeffer encourages Christians to be careful not to make human love an end in itself.

He describes the dangerous thinking patterns of idolatrous love: “Nothing, not even the truth, must come between” the two lovers.

The only goal of life, to which everything else must bend, is “the other person, his company, his answering love.”

When we think like this, our relationship is unhealthy and in danger.

11. Get Excited About God’s Work In Your Spouse

In the middle of daily stresses and conflicts that come with jobs, careers, housework, chores, and kids, it can be easy to lose sight of the beauty of what Christ is doing in your spouse’s life.

Try to catch a glimpse of the exciting work God is doing.

The similarity in beliefs, goals, and objectives are virtues in any relationship, but it’s good for any spouse to appreciate any positive attitude or change towards a greater knowledge of Christ by the other spouse.

Trust the ways God can change your spouse!

12. Pray Together

pray together

As children of God, one of the most important things you can do with your new spouse is to talk to your Heavenly Father together.

Short Daily devotionals with bible passages will sometimes encourage couples to pray together.

This is a link to a very good daily devotional for couples, one that I really like: “365 Days of Prayer for Couples: – Inspirational Devotionals for Couples.”

Newly married couples must know that relationships have plenty of bumps along the way, and prayer is the shock absorber that helps make the journey a little less difficult.

Practically, try going on a prayer walk together. Hold hands and pray.

Here’s a link to Joel and Victoria Osteen’s Our Best Life Together: A Daily Devotional for Couples.” 

Colossians  4:2 instructs us to “Continue steadfastly in prayer, being watchful in it  with thanksgiving.” ESV

Start the morning with prayer. End the day with prayer. A family that prays together stays together, they say.

Pray about fears, difficulties, conflicts, and decisions. Surprise each other by calling to pray together.

Make prayer a part of your everyday experience with your spouse.

The Bible agrees that when people pray together their petitions are heard by God: Matthew 18:19: “Again I say unto you, that if two of you shall agree on earth as touching anything that they shall ask, it shall be done for them of my Father which is in heaven.”

13. Pray For Each Other

Similar to the last point, this point emphasizes an important lesson learned in marriage.

Prayer is a powerful tool to touch the heart of your spouse—and to change your own heart in the process.

This 7 day prayer miracle can transform your relationship.

In moments of conflicts or discord, your knee-jerk reaction may be rehashing the situation in your mind or with your words.

Instead of mulling, try turning to Christ with the conflict. Pray for your spouse.

This is probably the best marriage advice for newlyweds.

In his book, Life Together, Bonhoeffer said we should “speak to Christ more about a brother than to a brother about Christ.”

In other words, talk to God about your spouse even more than you talk to your spouse about problems, issues, or concerns.

Bring your spouse’s hopes, dreams, failures, sins, and struggles to the Lord in prayer.As you do, you may see that God wants to change you as well.

14. Compliment One Another

Go out of your way to express thankfulness for your spouse.

Speak words of gratefulness directly to your husband or wife, and intentionally speak well of them to others within their earshot.

Keeping a gratitude journal about your spouse will help you have compliments at your fingertips. Writing a thank you heartfelt sweet note, a gift or card are simple ways of expressing thankfulness.

This journal has very good reviews; 100 Days of Grace & Gratitude: A Devotional Journal.” 

Commit to doing these often. People like to be appreciated.

You may also like Monthly, powerful Biblical affirmations for courageous faith.

15. Celebration


Even before your children are born, create traditions, rituals, and habits of celebration for your household.

Special surprise or moment on a birthday morning, an Advent chain counting down the days to Christmas, caroling to neighbors,

taking walks together or getting up by candlelight on Christmas morning are simple acts that can help bond your new family together.

Start by combining holiday traditions from your families of origin.

Then brainstorm and research ideas to form new traditions of your very own.

16. Look For Ways To Serve

Doing dishes, filling glasses of water, checking the doors at night, balancing the checkbook, fueling, washing, and maintaining the car are simple ways to show your spouse you care.

Decide to fix breakfast so that your partner could sleep longer.

Have the mindset that you are a team and you are in this together and find ways to intentionally serve each other.

But what about more descriptive acts?

We can imitate Christ’s self-giving love when we do distasteful tasks such as cleaning the bathroom, dealing with rodents and insects, or fixing the plumbing.

17. Forgive Early And Often

Couples who have been married for many years share lessons they have learned in their marriage.

They all say that forgiveness is a very important and practical aspect of a long-lasting marriage relationship.

Every human being has the capacity to sin.

In any marriage, even the most peaceful, couples will definitely sin against each other.

As Christians, we do not grant our spouse forgiveness because they deserve it, but as an act of mercy and grace covered by unconditional love.

It is very important that you continually forgo the hurts you go through caused by your spouse and resolve to start the relationship afresh.

Here’s a resource recommended by Rhoda married for 33 years; Forgiveness Is a Choice: A Step-by-Step Process for Resolving Anger and Restoring Hope.” 

One of the most important lessons newly married couple must grasp is forgiveness.It’s better to forgive quickly rather than holding on to a grudge.

And it’s better to assume the best and forgive as a knee-jerk reaction rather than assuming the worst.

18. Confess When You Are Wrong

Confession is often very hard but very necessary.

A seasoned spouse shares, “If I am wrong, I have to say so. Staying angry or insisting on my own rights is not an option. Over the years, this has been a struggle, but practice does make it come a little easier and more quickly.”

Dr. Bonnie Badenoch explains that couples become more resilient every time they work to repair a “break in connection.”

Couples who have worked to repair their broken bonds can actually feel closer after the reconciliation than before the conflict happened.

You may also like Forgiveness Is a Choice: A Step-by-Step Process for Resolving Anger and Restoring Hope.”

19. Common Goals

Early in your marriage, seek to clarify common goals, values, dreams, and desires.

When your family has joint goals and you are all working together to meet them, a special bond will be created.

20. Managing Careers

As you create joint goals, seek to understand your spouse’s independent career goals.

How can you work to help your spouse succeed in their career?

How can you each support each other in your individual goals and dreams?

Make sure to clarify early in your marriage the role that careers will play in your lives.

Prioritize spending time together outside of work.

Work together to establish work schedules that are best for your union.

Be an encourager to your spouse. Be their best cheerleader.

21. Start Investigating Child-Rearing

Child rearing -marriage advice for newly weds

Couples may imagine that they will have years to get to know each other, pursue careers, and casually learn about child-rearing before children will arrive on the scene.

But some couples are surprised by how quickly God sends little ones into their lives and families.

Start right away to define your shared values regarding child-rearing.

What to Expect When You’re Expecting” and We’re Pregnant! The First Time Dad’s Pregnancy Handbook,give insights on how a husband and a wife can approach and participate in the pregnancy experience with confidence.

Research different issues related to raising children, and be clear about your shared values in this area.

Get genuine advice from your wise parents, especially mothers and trusted friends who have been there.

22. Be Proactive In Your Relationship With God

A couple who has been married for forty years shares a lesson learned in marriage.

They say, “We emphasize the centrality of God and Scriptures to our home and life.

We try to let God’s words be continually in our mouths and to talk of them when we sit in our house, when we walk by the way, when we lie down, and when we rise up.

We spend time reading God’s word privately and together, and also work on hiding God’s word in our hearts through memorization.”

One of the best biblical advice for newlyweds is to read His word together. The word of God has positive impact in changing hearts and keeping people humble.

23. Be Careful About Expectations

Young couples often enter marriage with rosy-colored dreams and great expectations for their marriage, life, and relationship.

Mike Bechtle shares, “When we have expectations of what needs to happen, we’ll usually be disappointed.”

Instead of forming unrealistic expectations that will later be broken, he encourages couples to “replace expectations with expectancy.”

Filled with expectancy for what God will do in our relationship, we can free ourselves from unreasonable expectations and demands.

24. Express Healthy Curiosity

Be curious about your spouse’s day, experiences, feelings, job, or childhood.

Ask questions and seek to understand.

Even during challenging conversations, allow your mind to be curious about what your spouse might be thinking or feeling.

Wonder out loud or silently about the feelings or experiences that may be causing the words or reactions that your spouse is portraying.

Dr. Steve Call in his book; “reconnect: insights and tools for cultivating meaningful connection in your marriage,” explains that “curiosity… fosters understanding and connection.”

25. Do Things Together

Do things together -marriage advice for newly weds

Doing things together is a piece of practical marriage advice for newlyweds.

During the early days and weeks of marriage, every daily activity of life can be an invitation to connect.

If one of you has a chore, see if you can do it together.

Both of you can chat while you do the dishes.

You can take a bath or shower together.

You can cook together, watch each other do art or woodworking, or hand each other tools while fixing the car or things around the house.

Whatever you are doing, do it together.

Life will happen, children will come, and this will become impossible or more difficult later.

Take advantage of the opportunity that you have to share the everyday experiences of life right NOW.

26. Face To Face Finances

Figuring out and managing your finances early is probably one of the best marriage advice for newlyweds.

Don’t allow financial issues to come to a head before you discuss them.

Discuss ALL your debts including credit cards, student loans, car notes, etc.

The ultimate goal would be to strive to become debt-free.

Be proactive in setting up and communicating about your budget and priorities.

Have a frequent face to face check-ins to talk about finances and other matters.

When it comes to large decisions on finances, always make joint decisions.

17 best practical financial advice for newlyweds will give you tips on how to handle money matters from day one.

Decide together how to manage any student loans, credit card debts, paying house bills, etc.

Have a clear understanding of how to manage bank accounts, whether joint or separate accounts or both.

Who will be responsible for actually paying the bills after the funds are apportioned?

What about your parents? Would they need help? Decide how you will accommodate extended family expenses if applicable.

Remember, it’s no longer MY money, it’s now OUR money.

27. Remember The Events That Are Important To Your Spouse

remember events

To some newlyweds, it is extremely important that their spouse remember the one-month anniversary of their marriage and the one-year anniversary of their first date or their engagement or other dates that are special.

Do your best to set a reminder on your phone so you will not forget these important days.Marriage advice for newlyweds from Linda – 36 years in marriage.

When the anniversary rolls around, respond with a simple card, back rub, flowers, words of appreciation, or another gift that would be meaningful to your spouse.

Keep in mind holidays, birthdays, and anniversaries of deaths or traumas your spouse may have experienced.

Learn the 12 best secrets to a long-lasting relationship.

Be extra gentle on those days and seek ways to encourage your spouse.

28. Talk About Your Spiritual Life

Deuteronomy 6:7 says to talk about God’s word “when you are at home and when you are on the road, when you are going to bed, and when you are getting up.”

To some people, it may seem very personal to talk about your spiritual journey with your spouse.

But talking about God together will help you stay accountable and will help you grow in your closeness to God and each other.

Talk about the church you will be attending and how involved you are going to be. This marriage advice for newlyweds should be agreed on before you start having children. It’s very important for families to worship together.

Know preachers your spouse likes to listen to, what songs they like, and sometimes just watch or listen together.

29. Talk To Your Spouse About Your Temptations

This may seem counterintuitive, but Laurie Krieg emphasizes the importance of talking to your spouse about your temptations.

Rather than pulling away in shame or fear, come to your spouse and start to talk.

Lauri Krieg says, “Temptation grows in isolation and silence… Simply opening my mouth and sharing what I’m thinking about” is a powerful tool for healing.

30. Play Together

In his book, Reconnect, Dr. Steve Call, makes an ultimatum: “Play together to stay together.”

He suggests that couples play together three times a week for ten minutes.

Another marriage advice for newlyweds revolves over finding hobbies that you and your spouse both enjoy.

And it doesn’t have to be expensive or complex.

Playing could mean watching a sunset together, taking a walk, or having a pleasant chat.

No matter what it means for you, emphasize spending special time together, even when the honeymoon’s over.

31. Intimacy is Vital and Very Important


“What is a successful marriage if it’s sexless or sex-starved?” asks Linda, married for close to 32 years

Sex is a symbol of unity in marriage. It binds couples together.

Sex was designed for marriage, despite what current culture says and was ordained by God.

Dr. Kevin Leman in his book, Sheet Music: “Uncovering the Secrets of Sexual Intimacy in Marriage,” offers a practical guide to sex according to God’s plan.

This frank, straight-to-the-point, and practical book is a perfect must -read resource with tons of marriage advice for newlyweds and engaged couples.

To avoid sexual immorality, sex should be frequent and mutual.

1 Corinthians 7:5 – Do not deprive one another, except perhaps by agreement for a limited time, that you may devote yourselves to prayer; but then come together again, so that Satan may not tempt you because of your lack of self-control.

No matter what your schedules are, make this an IMPORTANT aspect of your marriage and when you partake, let it be special, no hurry, and let it be a mix of however you both like it!

Sex should be honored, cherished, and enjoyed as a gift from God and moreover, you should not be ashamed to express yourself.

You may also like “have a new sex life by Friday: because your marriage can’t wait until Monday“.

In conclusion, proactively implementing this marriage advice for newlyweds and always being open, intentionally and responsibly willing to work on your relationship can help newlywed couples build a lasting, strong, and satisfying relationship.

You may also like 56 powerful daily Biblical affirmations.

Any tips you’ll like to share?

Please share in the comments section.

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As always, sending lots of love and blessings your way…….





Dating Relationships


How to know if you are in a toxic relationship

Toxic relationships exist and they are dangerous for your physical and mental health and wellbeing.

Have you ever wondered if your relationship is toxic to your overall wellbeing?

Are you beginning to feel things are not the way they are supposed to be in your relationship?

Maybe you are beginning to feel like you deserve better!

Many times, toxic relationships are hard to identify, but it’s also easy to identify behaviors that are blatantly out of line.

You may be asking: how can I make my relationship strong? Here are 16 ways to make your relationship stay strong.

Rainie Howard offers ways of escape in this resource; Addicted To Pain: Renew Your Mind & Heal Your Spirit From A Toxic Relationship In 30 Days.

Why is it so hard to leave an abusive relationship? Why is it so hard to move on?

In this article, we are going to show you some signs that signal an unhealthy and toxic relationship.

Many of us have gotten ourselves into situationships!

Quite frankly we often tend to stay in these relationships even when we know that we’re getting all the red flags to leave or demand changes.

Not only that, but we also continue to allow others to step on our hearts and feelings when we have the choice to leave.

According to John Mark Green; “Toxic people attach themselves like cinder blocks tied to your ankles, and then invite you for a swim in their poisoned waters.”

I get it, sometimes it’s confusing because you find yourself in a love-hate relationship.

Toxic people give you hopeful moments of happiness and moments of unexplainable deep stress and distress.

And you think that is the ideal way love is supposed to be, but it’s not at all.

Sadly though, many times before we get our Moses, we have to go through a couple of the Pharaohs.

No one can boast of a perfect relationship, in the personal or the business sphere.

But “The wrong person will give you less than what you’re worth, but that doesn’t mean that you have to accept it.” – Sonya Parker.

According to Ginnie Love Thompson, Ph.D., a Florida based Psychotherapist, “Every single relationship has a level of abuse. Nothing is perfect – there’s always some work to be done.”

For the most part, a good relationship should make you feel secure, special, happy, cared for, respected, and free to be yourself.

My friends, true love will never leave you feeling empty, drained, depleted and distraught.

feeling of emptiness in a toxic relationship

And if for any reason you do? Then you’re in a toxic relationship.

A California – based communication and psychology expert, coined the term in her book Toxic People, defined a toxic relationship as “any relationship (between people who) don’t support each other, where there’s conflict and one seeks to undermine the other, where there’s disrespect and lack of cohesiveness.”

Let me tell you a couple of ways to identify if you’re in an unhealthy toxic relationship.

If any of these sound familiar, it’s time to make some big changes.

“Don’t settle for a relationship that won’t let you be yourself.” – Oprah Winfrey

The first sign of a toxic relationship is Confusion.


As God’s word says, “God is not the author of confusion, but of peace.” (1 Corinthians 14:33).

It is always good and very important to pay close attention to identify if the person you are in a relationship with is bringing clarity or confusion to your life.

When a person continues to give you less effort and is also showing signs that he/she doesn’t want to “get serious” about a relationship, then they are most likely wasting your time.

They expect much and give little. They feel entitled and act like they are doing you a favor.

If you don’t know where you stand with someone in a relationship, then you should let that person go.

Trust me, also believe that there is always someone out there who will not leave you confused.

The second sign of an unhealthy relationship is Dishonesty


If your partner is constantly lying to you, you are discovering little lies here and there, telling a partial truth, or doesn’t even communicate his/her whereabouts, these are all big red flags.

When you are in a relationship or dating, you should know that HONESTY is the first sign of loyalty.

Honesty breeds TRUST over time in a relationship.

Always consider if the person you are with is honest about EVERYTHING.

Most toxic people don’t follow through on their promises. They are “sweet and smooth talkers.”

They say one thing to make you happy this one moment and then revert to their old ways.

Rachel Sussman, LCSW, a marriage and family therapist in New York, says “There’s the constant push and pull.”

Every dishonest gesture between partners undercuts a little bit of the relationship.

The third sign of a toxic relationship is fairly easy to identify.

Lack of commitment

No Commitment – If the person you are with doesn’t want anyone to know they’re dating you, then you’re pretty much a secret and he/she is liable to do anything.

They don’t talk about the future after you’ve been together for some months or they are comparing you with their past relationships.

They are not committed, period! And that’s a BIG red flag.

No, they don’t have to post you on social media 20x a day, but it should be made known that they are in a relationship with you.

Don’t get me wrong, this doesn’t always guarantee that they will be faithful, but it does give clarity that they can potentially be honest.

It shows they value you as a person.

Dr. Clinton McLemore― a leading expert on interpersonal relationships― gives you a powerful roadmap for promoting healthy and productive relationships and how to have some value for your relationship.

You may already know this, but if your partner is DISRESPECTFUL, this can be a huge red flag.

Being disrespected in a relationship causes much emotional confusion and distress.

Mutual respect fosters individual growth and development.

Lack of respect messes with your image and gives you a sense of insecurity about yourself.

Lack of respect does not bring out the best of you.

In fact, it makes you not feel like yourself around them.

You see, when a man/woman tells you very hurtful things, those things don’t just go away, they stay grounded in your heart for some time.

intuition toxic relationship

Better to be with someone that will build you up, even when you don’t feel or look your best.

Here’s one that most people don’t take into much consideration – Uneasy Feeling.

Follow your intuition, if you feel like something is off or you are feeling any type of anxiety and fear in a relationship or anything in general.



Listen to that small voice!

Most times our inner selves will tell us the truth before it surfaces.

I think, a lot of times, most of us know when something is off, but we choose to find out the hard way.

Listen to that small voice in your head. God will never lead you wrong.

A sixth Sign that you’re probably in an unhealthy relationship would be a Lack Of Change In Behavior.

change in behavior toxic relationship


Let me give you an example, if a person constantly does the same thing over and over without changing.

And he/she knows that it bothers you, then they clearly don’t care about fixing the problem, or making you happy.

A person can apologize, but if their actions don’t match, then something is not adding up.

When they are wrong, they try to rationalize their behavior or blame others for it.

True Repentance should come with a change, they say!

Dependence would definitely be another sign of an unhealthy relationship.

Do not get me wrong, it is okay to take care of your partner.

But when taking care of your partner becomes a full-time job and they are not putting in the same effort, then you are basically dealing with a child with all related stresses.

Do not sacrifice your time and efforts on a selfish and self-centered person.

By all means, don’t.

Some people will be in a relationship with you just because it’s beneficial for them, while the whole time you could be losing out on an amazing partner who will give you the world and more.

Don’t settle for someone who is full of excuses as to why they are not where they are supposed to be because anyone can support themselves if they are willing.

Now I think it’s time we get on the topic of Abuse; another sign of signs of a toxic relationship.

Abuse toxic relatonship

There is more than one kind of abuse. There’s physical abuse, mental abuse, and narcissistic abuse.

If you’ve ever encountered any of these types of abuse, I just want to let you know that you are worth so much more!

Mental abuse is the first sign of these 3. Why?

Because once you allow a person to abuse you mentally – control your mind -which can be verbal – arguing, disrespect, or just their actions, this will eventually lead to physical abuse.

Sometimes people hide what they really feel behind words and hidden agendas until they get comfortable enough to abuse you physically.

Physical abuse could lead to death. No, I am not being dramatic.

If you are in a relationship where you are getting abused, at what point do you think the abuse will end and at what point do you think this person will stop?

There’s never an excuse for abusive behavior, especially when it comes to love in a relationship.

Love is the strongest drug and if you are with a person who is seriously in love with you, but abuses you, at no point does that make it right?

None, for neither of you!

Leave that relationship as quickly as possible, especially when you are not yet married.

time to leave

Lastly, Narcissistic abuse is the most underrated type of abuse out there.

This is the silent abuse.

This is where the person will have you thinking you’re doing everything wrong in the world, but you’re doing everything you possibly can to the best of your ability.

They mess with your mind. You can’t impress them.

“Beware of narcissistic people. They’ll tell everyone you’re crazy, only to cover up their trickery. ” ― Mitta Xinindlu

“Narcissists are very retaliative if they believe another has achieved what they desire, exposed their insecurities, or refused to be under their control.”   — Lorraine Nilon

I think most people have gotten a piece of this kind of abuse.

Not only because it’s so easy to miss, but also because it plays with your mind in so many ways, and most importantly it is a disorder.

Trust me it is very torturing.

Here’s a couple of signs that you’re in a narcissistic relationship:

You have low self-esteem, you feel as though you’re going crazy, you become depressed or anxious.

Nothing you do is ever good enough.

When you try to leave they pull you back in, their attitude towards you changes rapidly.

Guys, this is only a couple ways a narcissist abuses you and I think it is the most horrible of them all.

Beware of these toxic relationships! They are very hard to recover from. Not impossible, but hard!

Now that we’ve discussed the different types of abuse in a relationship, we should move forward with other signs that indicate you’re in an unhealthy relationship.

Which brings me to Control.

If you are dating someone who seems to be very controlling you should be careful, controlling people want you to do exactly as they say or else… and this is not a safe place to be.

When you’re in a relationship, it should be equal, even though a man is dominant over the woman he should never make you feel as though you don’t have a choice or a voice.

You should still be entitled to do what you want and have some sense of independence as long as it isn’t disrespectful towards your relationship.

One thing we all ignore is our Own Comfort in a relationship.

If you don’t feel comfortable without makeup or wigs, etc, then you aren’t with your soulmate,

You see real true love should not be identified by how good your makeup looks, or how laid your hair is,

but when you can wake up barefaced, and 100% natural, you’ve found someone that accepts you for you!

Don’t ever change your image to be with someone.

Beware of the person you’re with is charming when they want to be, real love should always be present, not just sometimes.

Real love is Unconditional. It shouldn’t be based on performance.

real love relationship

If they are more charming to everyone else than you, then you probably have yourself a cheater.

Never stay with someone if they make you feel ignored and invisible.

In a toxic relationship, nothing gets resolved.

Most discussions end in arguments. There’s zero tolerance and accommodation for the other person’s feelings.

They always assume the worst of the other person.

It is one thing to say you’re in a relationship with someone that you’re uncertain about,

but it is a completely different thing to be with someone who doesn’t even give you the attention you deserve.

Trust me, someone who really wants to be with you will not make you feel ignored or left out.

They will always make time and always check-in, busy or not.

“Wives, submit yourselves to your own husbands as you do to the Lord.

For the husband is the head of the wife as Christ is the head of the Church.

Now, as the church submits to Christ, so also wives should submit to their husbands in everything.

Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ loves the church and gave himself up for her.” Ephesians 5:22-25.

This is a clear biblical representation of how God intends for us to love each other in a marriage relationship.

God did not intend for us to be in relationships where our hearts are being abused, our love is taken for granted, and our images distorted.

That’s not biblical!

That is what the devil wants. Satan wants us to be abused and broken, but God wants us to be loved and made whole.

The word “perfect” in 1 John 4:18 means “complete” or “mature,” and the love that is referred to is God’s, selfless agape love.

An unconditional love that is not based on performance.

This is the type of love that should exist in every relationship.

It’s sacrificial love – bearing one another.

At no point should we doubt that unhealthy relationships are all that God has in His plan for our love lives.

God wants the best for each and every one of us, and I think we should want the best for ourselves as well.

If we stop settling for less, God will truly give us a Kingdom man/woman.

Pastor Joel Osteen once said that everything you need to be happy is in you.

Happiness is a choice and should not be dependent on somebody else.

“The hardest part of being in an emotionally abusive relationship, it’s actually admitting you’re in one.” – Anna Akana


When you are with someone who persistently makes you unhappy, suffocates those precious parts of you, makes you feel lesser than who you are,

you must be alive with your eyes wide open to the damage they are doing.

You owe them nothing, you owe yourself everything.

Everyone deserves to thrive, to feel no intimidation, and to feel safe, and you deserve to be happy in your relationship.

 Don’t allow yourself to be in toxic relationships. 

You should be able to identify signs that indicate that a relationship may have become, or always was, toxic.

Sometimes you just have to learn how to be alone and patiently wait for true love to find you or vice versa – Most of the time when you least expected it.

Soulmates are real, and you will be at peace when your true soul mate comes into your life.

If you know how much God loves you unconditionally, then you will know how much he cares about your situation.

Lastly, are you:

Currently, trying to get over a heartbreak?

Are you trapped in a toxic relationship?

Do you desire to leave a toxic relationship?

It is possible!

leave toxic relationship

When you have tried all you can, you just have to make up your mind and heart that you will not accept that anymore.

With prayer, self-care, people that care, and self-love, you will overcome any phase you are going through.

Sometimes telling yourself that; I’m going to stay positive,

Believing that God created us with a great destiny, and

conditioning our minds to rely on God’s plan,

We feel better, we attract better, and we are living again.

Don’t get so consumed in an unhealthy relationship until it starts to affect your mental health.

It’s like a low-grade fever that may eventually evolve into a high fever.

When you really stop and think about it, a toxic relationship brings about some levels of fear and anxiety.

These could lead to depression and feelings of hopelessness.

12 best secrets to a long-lasting relationship will help you to identify the good attributes of a healthy relationship.

It’s not too late to let go and start new. All you have to do is try.

“The broken heart will heal and you will have peace like never before.”
― Tracy A. Malone

The best is yet to come.

Wishing you all the best in your relationships and sending tons of love and positivity your way!
