Aromatherapy is the practice of using oils from plant extracts for medicinal, relaxation, and aromatic purposes.
Chiefly known for its calming properties, aromatherapy techniques also advocate the utilization of various essential oils to comfort the mind and body.
If you’ve been wondering what essential oils are, worry no more.
I’m going to give you an overview of what it is and how it can be of benefit to you and your entire family.
So, what is an Essential Oil?
An EO is a highly volatile concentrated compound extracted from certain plants.
The oils in every EO capture each plant’s scent or “essence.”
Answers to any questions you can’t get from this content can be found in this ‘essential oil tell it all.’
The associated unique aromatic compounds give each plant its characteristic essence that makes up its essential oil.
Although essential oils for the most part, are still linked to the idea of a relaxing therapeutic massage session, there are many more recent uses today.
Research shows EOs can be helpful, but people have to know how to use them correctly.
How are Essential Oils Obtained?
The most common method for essential oil production is through steam distillation.
Another method is mechanical, including cold pressing.
Advantages of aromatherapy oils include mood improvement, concentration, decongestion, relaxation, and sleep improvement.
Today, many spas use aromatherapy to enhance the pleasant experiences of their clients.
The use of essential oils and aromatherapy, however, does not end there.
Many other application methods include diffusers, massage oils, inhalers, baths, and teas, but are not limited to them.
Therapeutic Essential oils and oil blends can also be produced for specific therapeutic purposes, such as
-Relieving muscle soreness,
-Minimizing the occurrence of acne,
-Fighting infections,
-Treating wounds,
-Repelling insects,
-Hair growth,
-Reducing winter blisters, and much more.
Are Essential Oils Safe? Here are some Essential Oil Safety Tips
As EO popularity and market continue to grow, concerns as to whether they are altogether safe also continue to grow.
These concerns are validated by the fact that EOs are highly concentrated and potent plant extracts.
You have to be cautious and read label directions for each oil before use.
Dr. Scott Johnson empowers individuals on the safety profiles for over 200 integrative remedies with this.
Essential oils are also highly flammable substances therefore they should be kept away from direct contact with some elements.
By all means keep EOs away from elements like flames, gas cookers, candles, fire, matches, and cigarettes.
It is advised not to apply essential oils directly into the eyes, ears, nose, or other sensitive areas of the skin.
Also, keep all essential oils out of sight and reach of small children and pets.
Are you taking any supplements, vitamins or medications?
Yes, no, maybe?
If yes, then hear this.
EOs should NOT be taken by mouth because it can interact with other medications or supplements with potential damage to the kidneys and liver.
The American Association of Naturopathic Physicians advises against using EOs on babies under three months old.
Before using EOs topically, it is very advisable to do an allergy test first, and this is how you do it.
• Dilute the essential oil in a carrier oil at 2 times the concentration of oil you plan to use.
• On the inside of the forearm, rub the mixture into an area the size of a quarter.
If within 24 to 48 hours, you don’t notice any allergic reaction like a rapid onset of pain and redness of the skin or other skin irritations, you can assume it’s safe to use.
I have personally found essential oils to be beneficial to elevate moods, promote relaxation, increase focus, and bring on feelings of peace and tranquility.
Here are my top 15 Essential Oils that help and heal and some of their benefits.
You can also add it your conditioner and other hair products for added hair growth boost.
#3. Tea Tree Essential Oil (Maleleuca Alternifolia)
Tea tree essential oil visibly smooths out the skin and reduces inflammation.
Research has shown that when mixed with a carrier oil, like coconut or jojoba oil, tea tree EO can be used topically as a lotion to alleviate acne and nail fungus.
This herbal/tea tree toothpaste has become a necessity in my morning routine.
Hygiene – my family’s favorite body wash contains tea tree oil. It helps fight body acne and leaves a refreshing feeling.
Sandalwood oil is widely used in Ayurveda and traditional Chinese medicine to combat acne and reduce large pores.
People believe that sandalwood can be beneficial in treating disorders like fatigue, bronchitis, anxiety, insomnia, low libido, and UTI (urinary tract infection).
Attention: You must take conscious control of your brain if you want to be successful. It’s about time to develop a winning mindset. Watch this video to the end to improve your mindset NOW.
Having some stress in your life is natural, but too much is bad for you.
It doesn’t matter where we find ourselves on our journey in life, whether it’s our career or our personal endeavors, we all deal with stress every single day.
We all have experienced and will sometime experience some levels of stress and anxiety.
The good news is that we don’t have to let them control our lives.
Your stomach is twisted up in knots. It’s late at night, but you can’t sleep.
The uncertainty and the roller coaster of current events have kept you hopping, always on your toes.
Any hopes you may have had for family bonding or project completion during stay-at-home orders have worn off, and you’re just plain tired of the constant challenges.
It’s not fun anymore: Not knowing if you’re going back to church, not knowing if your kids will go back to school, not knowing if you will have a job.
Uncertainty gnaws at your soul like a rodent gnawing away inside a wall: You know it’s there, but you can’t quite get to it.
It’s difficult to relax because you don’t have an idea about what is going to happen next.
If you tune in to your over tired body, your frazzled mind, and your tense soul, you will realize that finding a way to relax is of utmost importance—even if it’s hard.
We have dozens of causes of stress and anxiety, but we need to learn how to let go and unwind.
Finding natural ideas for stress and anxiety relief is a priority.
#1. Take A Break From Social Media To Relieve Stress And Anxiety
This idea might seem simplistic, but you might be surprised to realize how much of your stress and anxiety sprouts from the constant conflicts and comparison traps in the social media world.
Anxiety heightens as you wait to see if your beautiful photo, witty saying, or meaningful video will be approved and “liked” by friends and acquaintances.
Romans 1:20-21 says that nature reveals God’s character:
“For His invisible attributes, namely, His eternal power and divine nature, have been clearly perceived… in the things that have been made.…Although they knew God, they did not honor him as God or give thanks to him, but they became futile in their thinking…”
These verses explain that the physical world reflects and illuminates God’s character.
These 3-minute meditations will teach you the number one secret to have more peace, tranquility, and balance in your life.
It reveals the 3 most common barriers you are facing that are stopping you from getting the peace of mind and anxiety-free living that you deserve.
Observing God’s attributes, shown in nature, actually clears your thinking and keeps your mind from turning down futile, dark, anxious paths.
Aim to spend quiet time in nature for at least two minutes a day. If it’s impossible to go outside, open the window screen and lean out into the fresh air.
Let the wind caress your cheek. Tune in to the sounds of birds, wind, traffic, or dogs barking.
Allow your senses to tell you about the texture of the grass beneath your bare feet or the velvet petal of a rose.
Smell the fresh, fragrant air after a rain.
Taste a ripe fruit from your garden. As you relax, ponder what you see of God in nature.
Have you thought about His kindness in providing you with these beautiful experiences? Or, do you see His power in creating the farthest star and the tiniest DNA?
Do you see His faithfulness in bringing the sun over the horizon every morning?
Maybe you feel His renewing power as you see new flowers and sprouts breaking out of the ground.
As you ponder God’s character, take time to thank Him.
Thanking God for His character, revealed in nature, keeps our minds from dark paths (Romans 1:20-21).
Appreciation of God’s character and reliance on HIS sovereignty is a stress reliever.
#3. Spend Time With Animals
Stroking the soft hair of a velvety rabbit, feeling a loving kitty rub his head against your leg,
seeing your loyal puppy smiling up at you—these are gentle reminders of the benefit of spending time with animals.
God created animals to provide service and companionship to humans.
Scientists agree that animals can quickly cause your stress levels to plummet.
So, get out there and pet your dog!
If you don’t own a pet, contact your local Humane Society and see if they have a Dog’s Day Out Program.
Dog’s Day Out programs connect local people with a stressed and lonely dog from the shelter and allow them to take the dog on an adventure to a park or home.
In this way, locals who don’t have money or time to devote to a pet can enjoy the therapeutic and relaxing benefits of spending time with an animal.
If dogs are not your thing, contact a local horse therapy organization and discover what horses can reveal about fear, confidence, and healing.
Studies show that playing with or petting animalscan increase levels of the stress-reducing hormone oxytocin and decrease the production of the stress hormone cortisol.
#4. Find Ways To Connect With Other People
During the COVID-19 epidemic, we have to be more creative in seeking ways to build relationships with others.
Even though it’s difficult, it’s still possible to connect with people. If your State allows it, invite neighbors to sit outside, six feet apart, under the shade of a tree.
Watch the sun illuminate your space as it slowly sinks below the horizon.
Experience the embodied joy of hand gestures, smiles, eye contact, and connection—elements of a relationship that can only be fully enjoyed in person.
British scientists have shown that people experience more endorphins, or feel-good hormones when they see a smiling face than when they receive a large sum of money.
Smiles are in short supply now that masks often cover the lower half of people’s faces.
If needed, resort to Zoom, Skype, or Face Time to get one-on-one interaction. Find ways to share smiles, air hugs, and meaningful interpersonal conversation.
Bask in the simple joys of life to get relief from stress and anxiety.
#5. Meditate On God’s Word
God commands us to meditate on His word. Much stress and anxiety could be relieved by meditation.
In Joshua 1:6-9, sandwiched between three exhortations to be strong and courageous, God commands Joshua to “meditate on it [God’s word] day and night.”
A simple way to meditate is to find a Bible promise book, choose a promise, and think about it constantly for two to five minutes.
Ponder on God’s word. You will get relief from stress and anxiety almost immediately.
Nicholas Carr and Curt Thompson emphasize that when we think about something repetitively, our brains create stronger neural pathways.
Like a rut that is worn by continual travel, we wear ruts in our brains. Whatever we think about over and over form repetitive neural ruts in our minds.
When our mind is on neutral, we repeat the same thoughts that we’ve thought so many times before.
For Bible meditation, this is very good news. The more you think about and ponder the word of God, the more your brain will begin to build new pathways that you can more easily fall back on.
Choose a verse, like Psalm 62:1-2: “For God alone, my soul waits in silence; from him comes my salvation. He alone is my rock and my salvation, my fortress; I shall not be greatly shaken.”
Or Psalm 91: 1-3: “Those who live in the shelter of the Most High will find rest in the shadow of the Almighty.
This I declare about the Lord: He alone is my refuge, my place of safety; He is my God, and I trust Him.
For He will rescue you from every trap and protect you from deadly disease.”
Turn it over and over in your mind. Let your mind ponder and let your heart connect emotionally with the Lord.
Drift to waiting silently on Him. Think about how He is your rock, a fortress, and a place of safety.
Think about this for two to five minutes—or longer if you can. You will be surprised at how calm you feel afterward.
#6. Try A Cuddle Swing
Originally designed for people with autism or special sensory needs, cuddle swings are a tremendously calming tool for any person of any age.
It offers yet another chance to get outside in the fresh air and listen to the birds and the insects singing in the balmy summer afternoon.
Plus, fresh vegetables and fruit are added rewards.
#8. Prayer
Philippians 4:6-7 tells us, “Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God.
And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.”
When we feel out of control, talking to God reminds us that there is someone, a higher power who is perfectly capable of handling our desperate situation.
Antidepressants and other mood enhancers are being prescribed at a higher rate than ever before and some people do rely on them for their benefits.
Millions of people around the world rely on their faith for stress management. They can go straight to God with no waiting in line, no prescription, absolutely free access when they are stressed and get protection and relief.
Faith implies that we trust and believe in God, with an unshakable hope that He has a better plan or agenda for our lives.
When we have that assurance, we are able to align our thoughts to things that matter most with a better sense of purpose.
Prayer and faith are my best stress reduction techniques!
“As pressure and stress bear down on me, I find joy in your commands.” (Psalm 119:143)
#9. Gratefulness
Stress and anxiety and gratefulness cannot coexist.
Philippians 4:6-7 reminds us that we will feel peace guarding our hearts and minds when we give thanks to God.
But did you know that science says the same thing? Jerusha Clark says, “Don’t worry; instead, thank God; then you get peace.
That sounds great, but is it really practical? Yes, especially with this keepsake.
Yes! Brain research clearly shows that anxiety and gratitude are mutually exclusive neural pathways.
Physiologically, you cannot be anxious and grateful at the same time…During active appreciation, the threatening messages from your…fear center…are cut off, suddenly and surely, from access to your brain’s neocortex…
It is a fact of neurology that the brain cannot be in a state of appreciation and a state of fear at the same time. The two states may alternate, but are mutually exclusive.”
What an amazing Creator God we serve! Why not take time to thank God for three things right now?
You will notice how your stress level reduces and you develop more concentration with each inhalation and exhalation.
#11. Exercise
Exercise is an important way of managing stress and anxiety naturally. Make sure to get some heart-pumping aerobic exercise.
Stretch and let your tense muscles loosen.
Release stress, gain emotional strength and nurture stronger relationships with this 7-minute regimen.
Take a walk outdoors and get your lymph, blood, and energy flowing.
Release tension and stress as you get your body moving.
Even though it’s hard to get up off the couch, you will find that you don’t regret it when you add stress exercises to your daily regimen.
Yoga is another form of physical, mental and spiritual practices that professes harmony in the body, mind, and environment. Many Yoga enthusiasts believe that a combination of the physical poses, controlled breathing, and relaxation techniques help to reduce stress, lower heart rate and blood pressure.
Progressive Yoga can be The Map, Torch, and Compass through your Stress.
They say that exercising for 30 minutes per day is one of the best things you can do for both your mind and your body.
Not only does it help you keep fit, but it also gets the blood pumping around in your body.
While you’re doing exercises, there are chemicals being released from your brain that can elevate your mood.
#12. Sunshine
When John Denver said, “Sunshine on my shoulders makes me happy…Sunshine almost always makes me high,” he was on to something.
The beautiful light of the sun is another one of God’s provisions to bring peace and hope to dark days.
Sunshine not only gives us Vitamin D – a prohormone that promotes healthy bones and teeth and supports the immune system*, but it also increases our brain’s production of feel-good chemicals. Can you get outside in the sunshine today?
This sounds like the simplest but also the hardest thing to do!
Identify the stressors that may trigger your stress. You can record your triggers in this journal.
They may be recent conditions or they could have been there all along.
We need to focus on developing or creating habits to keep things on track and stay on top of our game.
Resisting procrastinating and staying true to self are ways to prevent stress before they creep up. I call them staying on track anti stress strategies.
#16. Cut Down On Caffeine
Caffeine is a stimulant found in tea, coffee, energy drinks, and some soft drinks.
It is a known fact that the ingestion of high levels of caffeine can make some people be anxious and jittery while some people tolerate it better.
If you are very sensitive to caffeine to the extent that certain quantities increase your stress and anxiety levels, then you need to either cut it off or reduce the quantity and strength of it that you consume.
An alternative to coffee is Yerba Mate if you can’t stay away from caffeine.
It gives the same effects as coffee but is also packed with amazing beneficial nutrients.
It comes in a variety of flavors. This organic brand has very good reviews and is very reasonably priced.
#17. Self Care And Self Compassion
1 Peter 5:7 – “Cast all your anxiety on Him because He cares for you.”
God never promised us that we would be immune to the troubles and cares of this world.
His word and the Holy Spirit, however, provide cushions for a safe landing.
Whenever you do feel like you are stressed or anxious, a good way to cope is to have a routine that will help you focus on stress management techniques.
Focus on self-care but more especially on soul care. It is very important for us to be strong in our faith and in the word so that we would be equipped to withstand any trials and situations that come our way.
The moment we understand that our bodies naturally experience stress to keep us safe and that this journey is about – getting out of the storm, riding the wave- no matter what is going on in our environment and in the world as a whole, then we can start to become more accepting.
Next time you need a little boost, jump in and try one of these simple, natural ideas and solutions for stress and anxiety relief.
These stress tips do not replace anxiety medication and much-needed counseling when applicable, but they are easy, cheap ways to deal with stress to try on your own. Plus, they have no side effects and can begin immediately!
Don’t be ashamed to ask for help.
When you try these simple ways to reduce stress and anxiety naturally, you might be surprised at the uplifting peace you’ll experience.
Have you ever felt stressed or anxious?
What are your favorite natural ideas to ease anxiety?
Be kind to leave me a comment:)
As always, I’m sending lots of love♥ & positivity your way! Stay continually blessed!
With all that goes on in today’s frenetic modern world, all the responsibilities and challenges related to parenting and other pressures,
We have to take time to reflect and take better care of ourselves.
“To be a good parent, you need to take care of yourself so that you can have the physical and emotional energy to take care of your family.” – Michelle Obama
Many times, we get bombarded with our work duties, other obligations, and community activities also.
We should not wait until we have reached a breaking point to purposefully begin to take better care of ourselves.
“Women have to take the time to focus on our mental health – take time for self, for the spiritual without feeling guilty or selfish. The world will see you the way you, see you, and treat you the way you treat yourself.” – Beyonce.
If you don’t catch yourself in time, frustration, anger, anxiety, and even depression can creep in and reap you of all your joy and happiness.
There are so many self-care activities available to improve our physical, emotional and mental wellbeing.
They include spiritual activities like praying, mental activities like practicing mindfulness, and physical activities like healthy eating, and frequent exercising.
These 17 ways to take better care of yourself can help you know how to let go and BREATHE.
What is Self-Care?
Self care is about extending the same kindness, love and grace you willingly and sacrificially show to others to yourself without feeling guilty about it.
Check this scenario out;
It’s 11:00 pm. You silently close your child’s bedroom door, grateful he finally lost the battle against sleep.
As your eyes dart from one stack of dirty dishes to another stack of unfinished projects, you feel bone-tired.
Your mind is a thick molasses. Waves of weariness wash over your heart.
You don’t even know where to start processing today’s argument with your children or spouse, the social media argument about complicated world events, and your argument with yourself about what tasks are most important.
Tears slip out of your eyes as waves of guilt and failure wash over you.
If you have struggled to know how to take care of yourself as a mom, you are not alone.
During the COVID – 19 era, when churches, therapist offices, and support networks are closed, you could have tried to figure out how to take care of yourself emotionally.
Trying to care for yourself should be a natural and God-given instinct.
The Apostle Paul in Ephesians 5:29-30 said, “Indeed, no one ever hated his own body, but he nourishes and cherishes it, just as Christ does the church. For we are members of His body.”
God understands that humans naturally nourish, treasure, care for, and feed their bodies. He knows we automatically comfort, warm, and tenderly watch over our bodies.
But with children, marriage obligations, and work clamoring for our attention, we need more than our natural tendency to care for ourselves.
“If your compassion does not include yourself, it is incomplete.” – Jack Kornfield
It’s not us. Sometimes we are always on the go, being a “superwoman.”
As humans, we are created with limits. Immense relief comes from humbly recognizing that you are not God.
Experiencing God will help you get a better understanding of His sovereignty as He reveals Himself to you.
Hannah Anderson, in her book, Humble Roots, says that we are often tempted to a “pride that desires to live beyond natural human limitations… We buy the lie that we could be omnipotent, always virile, never tiring, never needing rest. We buy the lie that we could be omnipresent, always available, never distant, never missing out.”
Often, we think we can be perfect fun moms, involved in every activity, and providing our children and families with every opportunity.
We act like super moms, sometimes inflicting the notion that nothing will get done if we don’t do it.
And when we do, we become exhausted and drained.
Remembering our limitations—and humbly accepting them as an expression of our faith and dependence on God—is an important step towards wholesome self-care.
We don’t take care of ourselves because we’re selfish, proud, or egotistical. We take care of ourselves because we humbly admit that we’re not all-powerful—we’re not God.
With this in mind, I hope you can examine yourself and your environment and decide to start to take better care of yourself!
In Genesis 1:28, God called humans to steward the earth and all of creation.
Have you ever thought about your body as being a part of all creation?
Hannah Anderson points out, “You may have never thought of steadying your body as part of the call to steward the earth, but it’s not that much of a stretch. We are, after all, made from the earth, a mixture of minerals and elements that have only been made alive by the quickening Spirit of God.”
Along with your responsibility to take care of your children, your job, your ministry, you have a responsibility to take care of your body.
God desires for us to be healthy and strong and to take care of our bodies, mind, and spirit. “Don’t you realize that your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit, who lives in you and was given to you by God? You do not belong to yourself.” – 2 Corinthians 6:19.
Fuel your body with healthy eating habits and supplements that are vital in sustaining your immune system and general well being.
Eat healthy home-cooked meals instead of ‘fast’ food.
Don’t unnecessarily tax your body. Give it the rest, nutritious food, and exercise it needs.
Don’t forget to drink significant amounts of water to stay hydrated. Water is very good for the skin, it helps digestion and boosts your immune system.
#3. Find Joy In Simple Things
God has created many beautiful experiences for us to enjoy.
1 Timothy 6:17 says that God “richly provides us with everything to enjoy.”
In his book, Pure Pleasure, Gary Thomas encourages believers to find pleasure in food, family, fellowship, and more.
He says that when we search for legitimate, healthy sources of pleasure, we will be less likely to fall into temptation and illicit pleasures.
Even when we go through very difficult times, we should look for the simple joys that are all around us: the sun on our faces, the smile of a child, or the gentle song of a flowing stream.
Looking for joy in simple pleasures is an important way to take better care of yourself.
You can look at old pictures, listen to your favorite songs, volunteer your time at a charity you like, get a massage, indulge in a bubble bath, join a women’s weekly prayer group or enjoy the benefits of your favorite essential oils and candles.
Work/life boundaries have never been more important than they are today.
In a cultural shift away from remote jobs and towards in-home jobs, work has more potential than ever to invade every minute of our personal lives.
If you work at home, seek to develop a predictable schedule about when you will work and when you will relax.
Communicate to others when you are working and when you are “off.” When you’re relaxing, take it seriously.
Don’t even open your computer or your work email. Keeping your work from invading every minute of your day is critical in self-care.
#5. Process Your Pain
Unresolved pain, grief, or shame tend to sneak out in ways that are devastating to your body, soul, and health.
You may lash out at others or distract yourself with work to try to avoid difficult memories or thoughts.
Learning how to take care of yourself emotionally is critical for self-care.
Address even the seemingly small things that might seem insignificant like losing a twin sibling before birth, infertility, having a miscarriage, having a best friend move away, or betray you.
Acknowledge your grief. Talk to supportive friends and spiritual leaders. It’s been said that a problem shared is a problem halved.
Often communication with people gives you exactly what you need to hear for you to continue your journey in taking better care of yourself in the most positive way.
Read books on healing. Go to a therapist. Addressing your emotional needs is critical for truly relaxing and taking better care of yourself.
#6. Just Say No
“Love yourself enough to set boundaries. Your time and energy are precious. You get to choose how you use it. You teach people how to treat you by deciding what you will and won’t accept.” -Anna Taylor
In Luke 4:42-44, crowds were begging Jesus to continue healing and helping them. But he said no. He had to move on to other towns and preach there.
He didn’t allow himself to be dissuaded by popular opinions or by the demands of friends or society.
Instead, he simply moved on, “for I was sent for this purpose.” Jesus had a clear sense of purpose and values.
Tim Elmore recommends writing down five of your most important values and using them to help you make decisions in gray areas.
Eliminate parts of your life that don’t fit your values as a part of your self-care regimen.
Just learn how to just say no and don’t feel bad or guilty about it.
#7. Taking Time to Be Quiet
Taking time to be quiet is an important part of any self-care love routine.
Psalm 37:7 says, “Be still before the LORD and wait patiently for Him.”
Psalm 62:5 tells us to wait in silence for God.
Then Psalm 131:2 speaks of the importance of stilling our souls before God.
Many Bible passages encourage us to live a quiet life (1 Timothy 2:2, 1 Peter 3:4, and 1 Thessalonians 4:11).
Make time in your life for silence before the Lord.
Wait on him and try to connect to Him from the heart. Still your heart and acknowledge that it’s not all up to you—it’s up to Him!
This implies telling yourself that you are going to pause and slow down at intermittent times during the day.
Try to relax, go to a quiet place in or outside the house, look around you, close your eyes, and take deep breaths in and out several times.
You’ll notice that you will feel more relaxed before you start off again.
#8. Meditation
Even if you don’t subscribe to the common cultural views of meditation, you can still follow the Biblical command to fill your mind with God’s word.
You don’t have to spend 30 minutes in meditation every time. Two to five minutes—while in the restroom or while feeding the baby—are often sufficient.
Meditate on God’s word and stop the endless soundtrack of frenetic thoughts that try to take your attention. Ponder on the Lord and His love for you for two minutes.
#9. Stretching
Wondering how to take care of yourself as a mom? Consider adding stretching into your life. A simple internet search will lead to easy stretches that you can do any minute of the day.
Watching your kids in the park, you can do a slow nod exercise or a hip flexor stretch.
Before you wind down for the night or while the kids are asleep or at school, you can take a little time, inhale, exhale and stretch.
Watch how much relief you’ll experience.
These are so inconspicuous that no one will even notice you are stretching!
If you work a desk job, try to get up every hour and stretch. Your blood will start to flow and you will notice an increased mental acuity.
#10. Journaling
Commit to journaling regularly as an important way of processing your emotions, understanding your life, releasing your frustration, and taking care of yourself emotionally.
Boundaries for the Soul: How to Turn Your Overwhelming Thoughts and Feelings into Your Greatest Allies By Allison Cook provides some important jumping-off points for journaling about triggering events.
It is very healing to write down your responses to Allison Cook’s probing questions in this book.
Her questions will help you get some distance from overwhelming emotions, talk to them kindly as if they were frightened children, comfort them with the love of Jesus, and re-integrate them into your renewed purpose.
This all-inclusive women’s care package provides simple ways to make you feel better.
Journaling is an important way to process your feelings, encourages self-awareness, and improves your mood.
Some ideas on how to start journaling are to start with positive inner reflections first like what makes you happy, what inspires you, your idea of a good day, eight things you love about yourself and your family, what makes you proud about yourself.
#11. Gratitude Diary
Gratitude is a feeling of appreciation and thanks.
Is there someone in your life that has shown you that you matter to them?
A gratitude journal helps you to focus your attention on positive things in your life, great or small.
First Thessalonians 5:18 says, “In everything give thanks; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.” Regardless of the circumstances, you can find at least three things to be thankful for.
Keeping a gratitude diary or journal helps you come back later with gratefulness and remember what God has done, making your day more productive and focused.
#12. Spend Time Outdoors
A park, field, or stream is an excellent place to work on self-care. You might want to spend some time walking by yourself or with a friend.
Almost any of these self-care ideas can be done outside. You can exercise outside, express gratitude outside, or meditate outside.
Listening to music that elicits positive emotions can help you to relax and elevate your spirit, which improves your mood and general well-being.
#15. Smile More
A clerk at the store, a child in your arms, or a neighbor across the street would be happy to receive your smile, which in turn can improve your mood, relieve your stress, and lower blood pressure.
Scientists have found that a smile gives your brain more feel-good hormones than receiving a large sum of money!
Smiling lifts your own spirits and encourages others.
Spreading smiles is free, painless, and rewarding. Make smiling an important part of your self-care love routine.
Sleep should be a priority in our self-care journey.
Bill Fish, a certified sleep science coach and co-founder of Tuck stated that “Getting a proper night sleep is essential to our health,” in fact, sleep is now known as the third pillar of wellness along with exercise and nutrition.”
Create a sleep schedule and try your best to stick to it. That way your body knows when to settle to rest and when to rise.
A full night sleep promotes mental wellness and diminishes the negative effects of poor sleeping habits that include fatigue, irritability, anxiety, and negative thoughts.
#17. Digital Detox
Distancing yourself from digital devices like smartphones, computers, tablets, and social media platforms help you to focus on real-life interactions and can make your brain to relax and also improve your sleep and focus.
It is a known fact that many families and relationships don’t have many faces to face social interaction anymore.
Most of the time, everyone is by themselves and on their phone, tablet, playing a game, or on social media.
You could be in the same house and you are talking to your spouse or children from the cell phone.
Develop a digital detox hour, hours, or a day that you’ll focus your mind on yourself to improve your focus and reduce stress.
You can call it or relate to it as a biblical fast. Maybe that could help you keep the phones away and stay off social media for some time to rejuvenate and take better care of yourself.
The journey of taking better care of yourself starts in your mind. You must understand your dependence on God and the limits of your body and spirit.
The journey of taking care of yourself emotionally continues as you process your grief, change your thinking about your own value, and start practical steps like meditation, stretching, and journaling.
“Breathe. Let go. And remind yourself that this very moment is the only one you know you have for sure.” -Oprah
How does this journey end? In reality, the journey of self-care never ends. It’s not a one-time deal.
But it does come to a culmination as you begin to have enough energy, passion, and joy to invest in others again.
As you entrust your own needs to God and humbly accept your own limits, you begin looking at others’ needs as more important than your own.
The Bible instructs that you take care of others with the same attentive care that you take care of yourself (Mark 12:31 – The second is equally important: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’).
And, in this way, the purpose of self-care is complete.
Your mind is one of the most fragile yet most powerful things in your body.
It is so important to look after yourselves and learn how to look after your beautiful mind. And body too.
Are you seeing things from a different perspective?
Don’t make excuses for not practicing self-care.
You are so worth it!
Please don’t allow procrastination to rob you of the well deserved wholeness and happiness that you deserve.
“Accept yourself, love yourself, and keep moving forward. If you want to fly, you have to give up what weighs you down.” – Roy T. Bennett
How are you practicing self-care?
What routine have you put in place that is solely for you?
Please drop a line in the comments – it can help someone.
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Sending lots of love and positivity your way………..♥