Best Reasons Why We Should Always Pray

best reasons why we always pray

best reasons why we always pray

Best Reasons Why We Should Always Pray.

Why should Christians pray at all times?

If you’ve been in a romantic relationship for any length of time, you’ve probably experienced the power of focused presence.

When both partners turn their hearts, minds, and emotions towards one another, a powerful dynamic emerges.

We naturally make time for the people we love, right?

Can you imagine the power of inviting God into that connection?

There are many reasons why we should pray.

Through praying with your spouse or significant other, you can turn your heart towards God and your spouse.

Not only will you consciously engage your spouse in loving connection, but you will also invite God into the relationship.

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Let’s find out more as we discover why Christians should pray at all times.

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Why Should Christians Pray at All Times?

Charles Spurgeon said, “Prayer is the slim nerve that moves the muscles of omnipotence.”

Prayer is a mysterious and powerful tool God has given humans.

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Through prayer, we can influence His decisions and actions in this world and in our lives.

In addition, prayer brings us closer to God. It is primarily a relationship with our heavenly father (Romans 8:15).

Paul Miller says, “A praying life isn’t something you accomplish in a year. It is a journey of a lifetime. The same is true of learning how to love your spouse or a good friend… there is far too much depth in people to be able to capture love easily. Likewise, there is far too much depth in God to capture prayer easily.”

Prayer is a lifelong intentional journey of getting to know and experience our heavenly Father.

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What is Prayer?

Prayer is a relational connection between God and humans. Our relationship to God is both personal and communal.

It’s the simple act of talking to God through His son, Jesus Christ, and it’s so much more than that.

Most people enjoy spending time with their friends.

They may go to the movies, take a walk, chat about life, or go to coffee.

Time together may involve lengthy conversations or just enjoying being together.

In the same way, prayer is our way of connecting with God.

Sometimes, we connect through words. At other times, we abide in His presence in silence.

Prayer is the way that we give God the gift of presence and connection, and enjoy His presence in return.

We all want our close friends and family to give us the gift of presence.

Steve Call, in his book, Reconnect, points out that gaze aversion is a subtle form of rejection.

He says, “Gaze aversion can be a momentary looking away, such as reading a text message during a conversation. It can also be prolonged distraction or preoccupation, which precludes emotional and/or physical presence.”

Gaze aversion can be distressing for either a member of a friendship or relationship.

When we pray, we focus our spirits, hearts, minds, and faces towards God, and show Him that we love Him.

In Jeremiah 2:27, God expresses the pain He felt when His people turned their gaze away from Him. “They have turned their backs to me and not their faces; yet when they are in trouble, they say, ‘Come and save us!’”

God wants us to not only cry to him when we are in trouble, but to focus our hearts on him at all times.

“Pray without ceasing” means a continual turning towards God in love.

– Help people to manifest God’s blessings by tuning into the God frequency.

Different types of prayer

Different Types of Prayer

All prayer is talking to God, but there are different varieties of prayer that will help us connect with God through the different activities and seasons of life.

Short Prayer 

It’s fun to travel, work side by side, or accomplish a project with a friend.

Even if most of your conversation happens in short sound bites in between tasks, it’s still fulfilling to spend time together.

Those 30-second conversations make the difference between a lonely day of boring tasks and a meaningful time of shared effort.

In the same way, we can invite God into our everyday life through quick conversations with Him.

We can let Him know what we enjoy, what’s hard for us, and what we’re thinking about our everyday circumstances.

“Pray without ceasing” (1 Thessalonians 5:17) encapsulates this kind of constant conversation with God.

Unhurried, Intensive Prayer

Quick prayers are an important way to stay connected with God throughout the day.

You check in with God while you’re working, caring for kids, and going about your day-to-day life.

Simultaneously, all relationships benefit from longer, unhurried conversations as well.

With friends or romantic partners that are truly important to us, we make a set aside time in our busy schedule to truly get into deep conversation.

Related: Tips on how to intentionally pray for and with your children.

Whether that’s a walk on the beach or an unhurried meeting over coffee, those long conversations add depth to a relationship.

In the same way, it’s important to take time to talk to God in a more focused way.

Later, we’ll talk a bit more about how to do this special time with God.

A time of unhurried prayer is so critical, because we show God how much He means to us.

Our lives become so hurried and harried.

We rush from one activity to another.

Our short, sound-bite prayers become impersonal.

Our relationship begins to take on the feel of college roommates who say hi as they rush from one thing to another.

Unhurried prayer gives us time to show God, He is important to us.

And it gives us time to truly accept how much He yearns to spend time with us as well.

Contemplative Prayer: Resting in God and Meditating on God

Another important element that will help us feel connected to God is contemplative prayer.

Though contemplative prayer has been the subject of some amount of controversy in Christian circles, it aligns closely with the concept of meditation that is frequently commanded in the word of God.

Several passages encourage us to meditate on God.

Psalm 119:147-148 says, “I rise before dawn and cry for help; in Your word I have put my hope. My eyes anticipate the watches of night, that I may meditate on Your word.”

Still other verses command believers to rest in the Lord.  Psalm 37:7 encourages believers to rest, or be still, before the Lord and wait patiently for Him.

In meditation or contemplative prayer, we still our souls before the Lord.

We focus mindfully on connecting our heart with God’s.

Instead of frantically begging Him for our needs, we center our minds on a truth of His word.

For several minutes, we bring our mind back to that truth whenever it wanders.

We reach out to God with short phrases, like, “Lord, I love you so much.” “My hope and trust are in You.”

We seek to let go of the stress of our daily lives and reignite the connection with God.

Prayers with Others

Praying with other believers was an important element in the early church’s worship.

Acts 2:42 described how the believers devoted themselves to worship, eating, and praying together.

One of the most encouraging elements of the believer’s life is praying with others.

Moms in Prayer offer an excellent, global program that helps bring moms together to pray for their kids and their schools.

As a couple, you have an automatic prayer group!

Jesus said that “where two or three are gathered in my name, there am I among them.” Matthew 18:20

It is necessary for you as a couple to take time to pray together.

Praying bonds you as a couple and gives you a shared purpose.

It gives you an opportunity to observe God answer your mutual prayers.

Why not start today?

When Do We Pray?

Why should Christians pray at all times?

God wants prayer to be as natural as breathing.

He wants us to abide in His presence throughout the day (John 15:4).

The psalmist describes how he even prayed during the night.

Psalm 63:6 says, “On my bed, I remember you; I think of you through the watches of the night.”

God wants us to talk to Him and think of Him throughout the day and night.

We pray to God through Jesus Christ in the morning, afternoon, evening, before meals, at night, while driving, at work, in private, in God’s house, etc.

Evidently, it means we can pray anytime!

Related: Powerful Monthly, Biblical Affirmations for Courageous Faith.

How do we pray?
How Do We Pray?

Related: Powerful Thanksgiving Psalms and Prayers…..

When you meet with God personally, find a quiet place where you will not be distracted by technology or friends.

Get the privacy you need to pour out your heart to your heavenly Father.

Pull out all the stops and really dig into your relationship with God.

Like you would plan for a special date with your partner, take the time to prepare for your time with God.

Learn all you can about getting the most out of prayer.

#1. Adoration/Praise.

Praising God for His character helps us focus on the truth of God in the midst of our crazy lives.

Sometimes, our minds get frozen in negative patterns. We begin to believe that our situation is truly hopeless.

When we praise God for His attributes, our hearts are lifted above the difficulties of life to remember who God is.

Moms in Prayer, an international organization that brings women together in focused prayer, provides excellent prayer guides that focus on God’s attributes.

Every prayer session starts out with specific praise for one of God’s attributes.

#2. After praising God for His character, we can transition into thanking Him for specific things He has done for us.

Breathe deeply and turn your mind to the good things in your life.

Rather than focusing on the stress, the disease, the relational problem, or the upcoming challenge, contemplate His goodness.

Did He answer a prayer?

Did He provide food and shelter? Can you remember a pleasant conversation you had with a friend?

Each of these is a gift of God’s goodness! Thank Him for what He has done.

#3. Daily, we wander from God’s goals for us. His desire is for us to love Him with all our hearts, adore Him with all our souls, and be enamored with Him with our entire mind and strength.

But we often fail to meet His best for us.

After reminding ourselves of the beautiful and wonderful God we serve, we can confess the way we’ve wandered from His plans.

We can be assured that through the blood of His Son, He will cleanse us from all unrighteousness.

#4. Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit is an important key to prayer.

Sometimes, our prayers are weak and even wordless. We have no idea what to pray. The Holy Spirit acts as our senior partner and helper.

In her book, Liturgy of the Ordinary, Tish Warren describes the way she prays during challenging times: “I couldn’t find words, but I could kneel. I could submit to God through my knees, and I’d lift my hands to hold up an ache: a fleshy, unnameable longing that I carried around my ribs. I’d offer up an aching body with my hands, my knees, my tears, my lifted eyes. My body led in prayer and led me—all of me, eventually even my words—into prayer.”

During those times, we must remember that the Holy Spirit is praying right along with us.

Romans 8:26 says, “In the same way, the Spirit helps us in our weakness. We do not know what we ought to pray for, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us through wordless groans.”

When all we can do is throw our bodies before Him in a wordless prayer, God’s Spirit translates our wants and needs before the throne of God.

#5. Supplication/Petition/Intercession.

Petition, supplication, and intercession describe the act of begging God’s mercy for ourselves and others.

As a part of our deep, intensive prayer focus, prayer cards can help you bring specific friends and family to the throne of God.

Paul Miller, in his book, A Praying Life, advises making a prayer card for each family member, friend, pastor, or coworker in your sphere of influence.

On the card, write a few basic categories or verses you are going to use to pray for that person long-term.

Other people enjoy having a prayer document on the computer.

A Word Doc or Google Doc can be easily searched, edited, and updated as new prayer requests come to the forefront.

You can also color code the prayer requests for each person, adding answered prayers and updates as needed.

Still, others use a prayer app to help them keep track of their prayers.

No matter the specific approach you use, invest some time into making your special time with God worthwhile.

In conclusion, prayer is one of the most important ingredients to a growing marriage, any relationship and any family.

The adage says, “Couples who pray together, stay together.”

While this may seem overly simplistic, there is undeniable power in praying together with your spouse.

As you begin to discover the sweetness of praying with your family, you will begin to understand why Christians should pray at all times.

Why not start today?

May you stay steadfast and blessed as you continually seek Him.

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